Saturday, December 28, 2013

Roopakala Utsav-27 25th December , ADA Rangamandira

1 comment:

  1. I am Chirag Singal, a final year UG student at Christ University who is pursuing BA Honours in Psychology. As part of my dissertation, I am doing a research on "Emotional Experience among Indian Classical Dancers"

    My objectives are :

    To understand the process of characterization.

    To understand the emotional dynamics during the process of characterization.

    To understand the bhāvas and its influence and interaction with rasa.
    I am studying these three aspects of a dance performance (Kathakali, Bharatnatyam and Kathak) from an indigenousview. For the conceptualisation part, my theory is from the great Natyasastra written by Bharata Muni.

    The study will help to understand the dancer's connection with the dance and performance from Indian understanding, which has never been touched upon from a research point of view.

    For the same, I will need to interview a minimum of 10 dancers of any age,sex, socio/demographic background. I have already got some insights about the project while having a beautiful conversation with my classical dancer friends in college, it is time that I get to know the experience of an esteemed institution like yours have to say :)
    Looking forward to schedule the interviews as fast as possible. More than me asking questions it will be a narrative from dancers describing how they feel when they dance.

    I thank you for your time and interest.

    Chirag Singal
    Christ University
